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Clinical Research & Immunology


20, 30, 60 Days

Fee Details​​

5000, 9000 & 15000

How to Register

Click on the registration link and enter your details.

Then complete your enrollment by clicking on the enrollment link and paying 3000 (use Gpay option).

Then mail your copy of Aadhar, Last Marksheet, College/University/Job ID & the payment screenshot to Mention the subject of mail as INTERNSHIP and mention the starting date, topic you chose and duration of the course you want to persue in the mail.

We will return mail you with the registration and enrollment details ASAP.

About the Course

Introduction to GLP, QC, QA
Total Phenolic Content (Ant OX Assay)
Total Flavonoid Estimation (Ant OX Assay)
Total Protein Estimation (Ant OX Assay)
Total Glucose Estimation
Total Carbohydrate Estimation
MIC Analysis in 0.6 OD
RBC & WBC count
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
Bleeding & Clotting time
Blood Film Formation
Gram & Acid Fast Staining
Serum Microbial Culture Test
To perform Heinz's bodies
To determine fetal haemoglobin
Estimation of Nucleic Acids
Sputum, Urine & Serum Test
Widal Test
DNA Isolation from Blood
RNA Isolation from Blood
Protein Isolation from Blood
H & E Staining
Antigen-based agglutination assay
Preparation of blood samples for membrane stabilization assays (Anti-INF Assay)
Hypotonicity-induced hemolysis (Anti-INF Assay)
Membrane Lysis Assay (Anti-INF Assay)
Heat-Induced Hemolysis (Anti-INF Assay)
Protein Denaturation Assay (Anti-INF Assay)
Proteinase Inhibitory Activity (Anti-INF Assay)
Ouchterlony Double Diffusion
Agarose Gel Electrophoresis
SDS Page
DPPH scavenging activity in blood
Lipoxygenase Inhibition Assay

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